
Social services

Chráněné bydlení TULIPAN
TULIPAN sheltered housing - a new social service
Sheltered housing is a housing service provided to people with reduced self-sufficiency as a result of mental illness and whose situation demands the assistance of another.
The mission of the Sheltered Housing service is to respond to this negative social situation by following modern trends in affording clients as great a degree of autonomy and responsibility for their own affairs as possible, but at the same time providing them with the sort of support that essentially enables clients to achieve independence in living, eating, caring for themselves, caring for the household and finances, to the greatest possible extent according to their abilities and possibilities, and to facilitate their inclusion in society and the work process.
Sdružení TULIPAN se svou dlouholetou činností snaží pomáhat a pracovat s lidmi se zdravotním znevýhodněním
a rozšíření našich služeb o sociální službu chráněného bydlení je jen další krok ke zkvalitnění služeb v Libereckém kraji pro zdravotně postižené.
TULIPAN endeavours to use its many years of experience to help and work with people with handicaps and broadening our services to include sheltered housing is merely another step on the road to improving services for disabled people in the Liberec region.
The mission of TULIPAN sheltered housing is to provide users with support on their journey towards independent living.
Sheltered housing is a social service whose aim it is to enable clients to lead an independent life that is comparable to that of their peers without disabilities to the maximum possible extent. TULIPAN sheltered housing intends to expand the life options of its users and reflect contemporary societal conditions.
TULIPAN sheltered housing is a registered social service: TULIPAN sheltered housing (8533092).
Sheltered housing is provided at the following address: Burianova 917/7, 460 06 Liberec VI – Rochlice.
The service is provided in an apartment in a quiet location in the city district of Rochlice.
There are 3 bedrooms intended for the users of sheltered housing in the apartment.
The bedrooms are all separate and there is no need to walk through one to reach another.
Users can also use social areas – kitchen with dining area, living room, social amenities, bathroom with bath and loggia.
They can also use an automatic washing machine and a dishwasher and use the Internet access in the apartment.
TULIPAN sheltered housing has a capacity of 3 people, in that the plan is to expand on that capacity in the future.
The social service is provided over the following timescale: accommodation 24 hours a day.
Care is provided on weekdays, according to the work hours of the social service, to the extent required by the individual needs of the clients.
Equal approach – we deal with everyone in the same way.
Users of services, their guardian and workers are all equal partners and work together in this way.
Reasonable responsibility – we are responsible for our own decisions and lives.
Everyone is responsible for his/her own decisions based on his/her own abilities.
Reasonable support – be as independent as possible.
We provide service users with the agreed support, as enabling them to live independently and not be restricted by us.
Reasonable risk – risk is a normal part of life.
We try to avoid risks by preparing and adjusting our surroundings so that potential risks can be reduced as much as possible.
An individual approach – we are all different.
All activity stems from the requirements and needs of the individual.
Respecting the rights, dignity and needs of each and every person – we respect each other.
Active involvement – we do things together.
Basic activities involved in the service
the provision of accommodation;
help in ensuring the running of the household, in buying and preparing food;
educational and activation activities;
mediating contact with the social environment;
social therapy activities;
help in exercising rights and legitimate interests and in dealing with personal affairs.
Aims of the service
long-term assistance and support in building and reinforcing the skills required for living independently in the future (e.g. using medication on one's own, shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, dealing with personal matters at public authorities, communicating with neighbours and members of the community, etc.);
help on the road to becoming independent of one’s family and acquiring the skills and confidence required for a separate and independent life.

Target group of clients:
persons with chronic mental illnesses (persons with psychiatric diagnoses);
persons with combined disabilities;
persons with mental disabilities (persons with mild mental illnesses);
disabled people.
The social service is intended for persons of between 18 and 64 years.
The TULIPAN sheltered housing service is designed for those who need individual support in everyday life.
Talking to and dealing with those interested in the service
People interested in the service talk to the worker in charge of this social service. An initial meeting in person can be arranged by the person interested over the telephone or by e-mail. When discussing the possibility of using the service, the person interested is provided with all required information about the service and his/her personal goal in using the service is mapped out – how the service will help him/her and what his/her needs are.
Every interested person has the chance to look round the sheltered housing. Admission to the service is conditional on being able to provide confirmation from a doctor that the person interested belongs to the target group.
A contract on the provision of sheltered housing is signed for one year, with the option of extending this subject to individual agreement and the needs of the client. All details of the contract are explained to the interested person in depth, including the size of payments to be made and the manner of billing for provided services, the rules of the service and the options available for making complaints. The interested person can study the contract at home or discuss it in the presence and with the support of, for example, a family member or guardian.
Sheltered housing is a paid service. The user must pay for it, in that this payment is made up of two components – the cost of accommodation and the cost of the provision of care. Prices are governed by the current price list of provided services, which constitutes an appendix to the contract on the provision of sheltered housing.
Payment for care provided is CZK 120 per hour or CZK 80 per hour, depending on the service. If the user has not been awarded a contribution for care or if the size of the contribution for care is lower than the payment determined for services actually used in the given month, the monthly income of the user will be evaluated on an individual basis.
The user must pay for the provision of care according to Act No. 108/2006 Sb. based on the monthly billing of services provided. A statement from the provider’s database is the source document used in determining the amount due for care provided in the given month.
Quality standards of the social service
Information for persons interested in and clients of sheltered housing
Price list
Registering provisional interest
Head of social services for TULIPAN sheltered housing – Mgr. Zora Machartová
Address: Registered office of Sdružení TULIPAN, z. s. – Sokolská 113/8, 460 01 Liberec I – Staré Město
Correspondence address: Komunitní centrum TULIPAN - Ulice Kostelní 9/7, 460 01 Liberec II- Nové Město
Mgr. Petra Čuprová – contact in matters to concern the social service
Tel: 774 450 182
Email: cuprova@sdruzenitulipan.cz
This service is provided with the financial support of the Liberec Region.      
This service is supported by the budget of the Corporate City of Liberec.     
Thank you!

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Sdružení TULIPAN, z.s.
Chráněné dílny

28. října 59/42, Liberec

Komunitní centrum TULIPAN

Frýdlantská 1351/15, Liberec

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